Sunday, January 2, 2011

Open & Close Doors

"What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut."

~Revelation 3:7,8

I live my life with an "Open Door/ Close Door" Policy. Anytime I face a major decision in my life I look around at the doors of opportunity. Before I walk towards any of them I ask God to open the ones he wants me to walk through, and close and lock those that I shouldn't walk through. This is my way of discerning God's will for my life. I'm not that Christian that is gifted with just knowing what God wants me to do. I'll pray for days on end and still be confused as to what I need to do. However, since I initiated my open door/ close door policy I have felt much more at peace with my decisions. Many times God has closed doors that I really hoped would be open. At the time I thought that the doors that were closed were opportunities that I was missing out on. But in hindsight, I'm grateful for locked doors. God has shown me his perfect plan for me, and I have been saved from heartache and despair.

I challenge you to pray for open & closed doors. Its not always easy to let God make the decisions in your life. However, God is creator and planner of the entire universe. He knows what will happen from creation through eternity, so trust him. I promise he won't lead you astray.

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