Sunday, January 2, 2011

No U-Trun

India has taught me that there are no U-Turns allowed. There are many times in our life that we would like a "do-over" but that's not how life works. Even if we try our hardest and turn our cars around, it's not the same as doing life correctly the first time around. God has taught me that we are called to make the most out of life RIGHT NOW!There is no sense in wasting our life waiting around for something big to happen.The big things in life are made up of little moments and little decisions. There is no sense in looking back on life and thinking "what if..." Life is made up of the decisions that we have made, there is no point in soaking in our regrets. Instead let's spend our lives making the best decisions possible, and learning the most we can from our mistakes.

Perry Noble said in his blog, “If I allow my past to define me then I will NEVER truly become who God wants me to be!”

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