Monday, January 3, 2011

Living Water

In India there is a serious problem. The water in India is very unsafe. Everywhere we went we carried 1 Liter bottles of bottled water. We had to stay hydrated to stay healthy, but the water coming from the faucet is unsafe for even brushing your teeth. This is a picture of Gabe, a little Indian boy. He is the son of our missionaries and has lived in India his entire life.

He is only about 6 years old, but still I cannot imagine living my whole life unable to drink the water from the faucet. Fortunately his parents do have a water filtration system in their house which saves them from having to buy water all of the time. However, there are literally million children in India who do have to drink the water from the faucet or go thirsty. These poor children develop viruses and diseases, and parasites that ail them because of the water they drink. This aspect of Indian life is one of the most heartbreaking to me. I want to quench their thirst.
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
~John 4:13, 14

Rachel & Amol are trying to meet the physical needs of the community around them. They have dug wells in many places where they own buildings. Although people have told them that it cannot be done, that there is no water. Amol & Rachel are faithful and they dig wells anyway. Their obedience is blessed and they see water literally spring up from the ground up to 100 feet into the air. They share the new source with the people around them.

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