Friday, August 6, 2010

Sleepless nights thinking of India

So its after midnight, and yet I'm still awake after being in bed for over an hour. I was sincerely tired, even drowsy an hour ago. But as I closed my eyes a thought popped in my head, which lead to another thought, which then lead to another thought, and so on and so forth...and now I can't turn my brain off and go to sleep. Most of my thoughts are about my trip to India.

I'm wondering about the wristbands I ordered, (will they be able to be sold, will they bring in enough money and quick, will people be disappointed in the quality.)

I finished my support letter,(but I still need to print it & copy it 50x, I need to find the addresses of people I am going to mail it to, I need to buy stamps to mail the letters).

I decorated my India Elephant,(but I haven't taken it everywhere with me. Will it really bring in a lot of money)

I am going to India, but where. Everyone keeps asking me where and all I can say is "central India" because that's all I know.

1 comment:

  1. God is the One who is in total control of you going over to India in December. The one thing that I have learned in the past few months is that God is in total control. Back in December when we received the news that my grandma had a 20% of chance of living, I never would have imagined that I would have the opportunity to take her out for breakfast tomorrow. Even though I miss my Papa everyday, God took away all of the pain that he was experiencing the last few weeks he was alive. My Papa is now in Heaven praising God, and I'm kind of jealous:) God prepared a way for me to go back down to New Orleans to serve again this summer for some reason I do not know. Remember that God is in total control even though it is difficult to see and understand. Totally trust and depend on Him. Love you girl.
